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产品名称: HPB钡粉
产品型号: HPB
HPB钡粉 ...

A/B(XRF)----------0.989         %LOI-------------0.3
Product#-----------------52901A        TYPLCAL IMPURITY LEVELS(ppm)by ICP
SrO-------------------------150          CaO-------------<20
Fe203-----------------------<70          SiO2------------<75
Al2O3----------------------<75          PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
MEASUREMENT                 D10(µm)-------0.45
METHOD----------Sedigraph         D50(µm)-------1.05
(particle size)-----------5100          D90(µm)-------2.50
SURFACE AREA                  +325MESH,%----0.01
NOTE:The statements made hercin are based on our research and the research of others ,
and believed to be accurate .No guaranten of their accuracy is made ,however,and
 the products discussed are sold without warranty ,expressed or impted ,inctuding
warranty of merchantability and fitness for use of this material,upon condition that
 purchasers shall make their own tests to detemine the suirability of such products
 for their particular purposes .The user assmmes all riskof use or handing,whether
or not in accordance with any statenments of the supplier .Suooliers liability ,if any ,
for any action arising out of the material being limited to replacement of material
Statements concerning the possible use of these products Are not intended as rec
ommendations to use these products in infringement of any patent.




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